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Reiki Energy: Receiving vs Sending (Sessions)

Discover the Surprising Difference Between Receiving and Sending Reiki Energy in Sessions – Which One is Right for You?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Choose a practitioner Look for a practitioner who specializes in Reiki energy and has experience in both sending and receiving sessions. Be cautious of practitioners who claim to have supernatural powers or make unrealistic promises.
2 Decide on the type of session Determine whether you want to receive or send Reiki energy. Receiving sessions involve lying down while the practitioner places their hands on or near your body to transfer energy. Sending sessions involve the practitioner sending energy to a recipient who is not physically present. Be aware that distance healing may not be as effective as in-person sessions.
3 Prepare for the session Wear comfortable clothing and remove any jewelry or accessories that may interfere with the energy transfer. Relax and clear your mind before the session. Be mindful of any medical conditions or medications that may affect the session.
4 During the session For receiving sessions, the practitioner will place their hands on or near your body and transfer energy to balance your chakras and promote relaxation. For sending sessions, the practitioner will focus their intention on the recipient and send energy to promote healing and balance. Be open to the experience and trust in the practitioner’s abilities.
5 After the session Drink plenty of water and rest to allow the energy to continue to work within your body. Take note of any physical or emotional changes you may experience. Be aware that Reiki energy is not a substitute for medical treatment and should be used in conjunction with traditional healthcare.
6 Holistic approach Reiki energy is a holistic approach to healing that focuses on balancing the body’s energy and promoting relaxation. It can be used in conjunction with other therapies to promote overall wellness. Be cautious of practitioners who claim that Reiki energy can cure serious medical conditions.
7 Universal life force Reiki energy is based on the belief in a universal life force that flows through all living things. Practitioners use this energy to promote healing and balance. Be aware that Reiki energy is not a religion and can be used by people of all faiths or no faith.


  1. What is a Sending Session in Reiki Energy Healing?
  2. What is the Process of Energy Transfer During a Reiki Sending Session?
  3. Exploring the Spiritual Aspects of Receiving and Sending Reiki Energy
  4. Understanding the Holistic Approach to Healing Through Giving and Taking in Reiki Sessions
  5. Is Distance Healing Possible through both Giving and Taking in a Remote Setting?
  6. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions
  7. Related Resources

What is a Sending Session in Reiki Energy Healing?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Set intention and prepare for the session Intention setting is a crucial part of Reiki energy healing as it helps to focus the energy on the desired outcome. None
2 Connect with the client’s energy Energy transfer is the foundation of Reiki energy healing. Connecting with the client’s energy helps to establish a strong connection and facilitate the healing process. None
3 Visualize the client’s chakras and aura Visualization techniques are used to help the practitioner focus on the client’s energy centers and identify any energy blockages. None
4 Send Reiki energy to the client Sending Reiki energy to the client is the main focus of a sending session. The practitioner uses their hands to channel universal life force energy to the client’s energy centers, helping to clear any blockages and promote healing. None
5 Use sacred symbols to enhance the energy transfer Sacred symbols are used to amplify the energy transfer and help to focus the energy on specific areas of the body. None
6 Practice meditation to maintain focus and connection Meditation practices are used to help the practitioner maintain focus and connection with the client’s energy throughout the session. None
7 Encourage the client to tap into their self-healing abilities Reiki energy healing takes a holistic approach, and the client’s own self-healing abilities are an essential part of the process. Encouraging the client to tap into their own energy and focus on their healing can enhance the effectiveness of the session. None
8 Address any energy blockages or negative thought patterns Energy blockages and negative thought patterns can hinder the healing process. Addressing these issues during the session can help to promote healing and prevent future blockages. None
9 Use positive affirmations to promote healing Positive affirmations can help to shift the client’s mindset and promote healing. Using affirmations during the session can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. None
10 End the session and provide feedback Ending the session with gratitude and providing feedback to the client can help to reinforce the healing process and promote a spiritual connection. None

What is the Process of Energy Transfer During a Reiki Sending Session?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Grounding and centering practices Before beginning a Reiki sending session, the practitioner must ground and center themselves to ensure they are in a calm and focused state. This can be done through deep breathing, visualization, or other techniques. If the practitioner is not properly grounded and centered, they may have difficulty focusing their energy and may not be able to effectively transfer it to the recipient.
2 Intention setting The practitioner must set a clear intention for the session, focusing on the recipient’s specific needs and desired outcomes. This helps to direct the flow of energy and ensure that it is used in the most effective way possible. If the practitioner does not set a clear intention, the energy may not be directed towards the recipient’s specific needs and may not be as effective as it could be.
3 Hand positions The practitioner will use a series of hand positions to channel the energy into the recipient’s body. These positions correspond to the chakras and other energy centers in the body, and help to clear any blockages or imbalances. If the practitioner does not use the correct hand positions, they may not be able to effectively channel the energy into the recipient’s body.
4 Visualization techniques The practitioner may use visualization techniques to help direct the flow of energy and focus on specific areas of the body. This can include visualizing the energy flowing through the body, or visualizing the recipient’s desired outcome. If the practitioner is not skilled in visualization techniques, they may have difficulty directing the flow of energy and may not be able to effectively transfer it to the recipient.
5 Distance healing Reiki can be performed remotely, with the practitioner sending energy to the recipient from a distance. This can be just as effective as an in-person session, as energy is not limited by physical distance. If the practitioner is not experienced in distance healing, they may have difficulty focusing their energy and may not be able to effectively transfer it to the recipient.
6 Spiritual connection The practitioner may connect with their own spiritual guides or higher power to help facilitate the energy transfer. This can help to amplify the energy and ensure that it is used in the most effective way possible. If the practitioner is not comfortable with spiritual connection, they may have difficulty accessing the full potential of the energy transfer.
7 Energetic blockages During the session, the practitioner may identify areas of the body where energy is blocked or stagnant. They will focus on these areas to help clear the blockages and restore the flow of energy. If the practitioner is not skilled in identifying energetic blockages, they may not be able to effectively clear them and restore the flow of energy.
8 Healing frequencies Reiki energy operates at specific frequencies, which can help to promote healing and balance in the body. The practitioner will focus on channeling these frequencies into the recipient’s body to promote healing and balance. If the practitioner is not skilled in working with healing frequencies, they may not be able to effectively promote healing and balance in the recipient’s body.

Exploring the Spiritual Aspects of Receiving and Sending Reiki Energy

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Understand the basics of Reiki energy Reiki energy is a form of universal life force energy that can be channeled through a practitioner to promote healing and balance in the recipient’s body, mind, and spirit. None
2 Learn about the spiritual aspects of Reiki energy Reiki energy is not just a physical practice, but also a spiritual one that involves connecting with the recipient’s chakras and aura to balance their energies and promote inner peace. None
3 Explore the differences between receiving and sending Reiki energy Receiving Reiki energy involves being open and receptive to the energy flow, while sending Reiki energy involves channeling the energy with intention and mindfulness. None
4 Practice meditation and intention setting before a Reiki session Meditation and intention setting can help both the practitioner and recipient connect with the spiritual aspects of Reiki energy and set the intention for the session. None, but some may find it difficult to quiet their mind during meditation.
5 Incorporate self-care practices into Reiki sessions Practitioners can encourage recipients to practice self-care, such as mindfulness and relaxation techniques, to continue promoting balance and healing after the session. None
6 Address energetic blockages during Reiki sessions Energetic blockages can prevent the free flow of Reiki energy, so practitioners may need to focus on specific areas of the body to balance the energies and promote healing. None, but practitioners should be mindful of any physical or emotional discomfort the recipient may experience during the session.
7 Foster a spiritual connection between practitioner and recipient Practitioners can create a safe and supportive environment for the recipient to explore their spiritual connection and promote inner peace. None, but practitioners should be respectful of the recipient’s beliefs and boundaries.
8 Embrace a holistic approach to health and wellness Reiki energy is just one aspect of a holistic approach to health and wellness that includes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. None
9 Understand the importance of balancing energies Balancing energies is essential for promoting overall health and well-being, as imbalances can lead to physical and emotional discomfort. None
10 Practice mindfulness and intention setting in daily life Practicing mindfulness and intention setting outside of Reiki sessions can help individuals connect with their spiritual selves and promote inner peace. None, but some may find it difficult to incorporate these practices into their daily routine.

Understanding the Holistic Approach to Healing Through Giving and Taking in Reiki Sessions

Understanding the Holistic Approach to Healing Through Giving and Taking in Reiki Sessions

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Begin by understanding the concept of healing in Reiki sessions. Reiki healing is a holistic approach that focuses on the balance and harmony of the mind, body, and spirit. None
2 Learn about the importance of giving and taking in Reiki sessions. Giving and taking in Reiki sessions refer to the energy exchange between the practitioner and the recipient. The practitioner sends Reiki energy to the recipient, while the recipient receives the energy and allows it to flow through their body. None
3 Understand the role of energy flow in Reiki sessions. Reiki energy flows through the chakras, which are energy centers in the body. The practitioner uses their hands to channel the energy and remove any blockages in the chakras. None
4 Learn about the importance of aura cleansing in Reiki sessions. Aura cleansing is a technique used to remove any negative energy or blockages from the recipient’s aura. The practitioner uses their hands to scan the aura and remove any negative energy. None
5 Understand the role of meditation techniques in Reiki sessions. Meditation techniques are used to help the recipient relax and enter a meditative state. This allows them to receive the Reiki energy more effectively. None
6 Learn about the importance of mindfulness practices in Reiki sessions. Mindfulness practices help the recipient stay present and focused during the session. This allows them to fully receive the Reiki energy and experience its benefits. None
7 Understand the role of the relaxation response in Reiki sessions. The relaxation response is a natural response of the body that helps reduce stress and promote relaxation. Reiki sessions can help activate the relaxation response, leading to a deeper sense of relaxation and healing. None
8 Learn about self-care strategies that can enhance the benefits of Reiki sessions. Self-care strategies such as eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and practicing self-care can help enhance the benefits of Reiki sessions. None
9 Understand the importance of spiritual connection in Reiki sessions. Reiki sessions can help the recipient connect with their spiritual self and experience a deeper sense of peace and well-being. None
10 Learn about the importance of positive intention in Reiki sessions. Positive intention is an important aspect of Reiki sessions. The practitioner sets the intention to send healing energy to the recipient, while the recipient sets the intention to receive the energy and experience healing. None

Is Distance Healing Possible through both Giving and Taking in a Remote Setting?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Understand the concept of energy transfer Energy transfer refers to the movement of energy from one object to another. In the context of distance healing, it refers to the transfer of healing energy from the practitioner to the recipient, regardless of physical distance. None
2 Learn about receiving and sending energy Receiving energy refers to the act of accepting healing energy from the practitioner, while sending energy refers to the act of transmitting healing energy to the recipient. Both are essential components of distance healing. None
3 Understand the concept of non-locality Non-locality refers to the idea that objects can be connected in ways that transcend physical distance. In the context of distance healing, it means that the practitioner and recipient can be connected energetically, even if they are not physically in the same location. None
4 Learn about quantum entanglement Quantum entanglement refers to the phenomenon where two particles can become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, regardless of physical distance. In the context of distance healing, it suggests that the practitioner and recipient can become energetically entangled, allowing for the transfer of healing energy. None
5 Understand the importance of intentionality Intentionality refers to the act of setting a clear intention for the healing session. In the context of distance healing, it is essential for both the practitioner and recipient to have a clear intention for the healing energy to be transmitted and received effectively. None
6 Learn about vibrational frequency Vibrational frequency refers to the rate at which energy vibrates. In the context of distance healing, it is believed that the practitioner can raise their vibrational frequency to transmit healing energy to the recipient, who can then match that frequency to receive the energy. None
7 Understand the role of chakras and aura Chakras are energy centers in the body that correspond to different physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the self. The aura is the energy field that surrounds the body. In the context of distance healing, the practitioner may focus on specific chakras or the aura to transmit healing energy to the recipient. None
8 Learn about the mind-body connection The mind-body connection refers to the idea that the mind and body are interconnected and influence each other. In the context of distance healing, it suggests that the recipient’s mental state can affect their ability to receive healing energy. None
9 Understand the importance of spiritual practice Spiritual practice refers to any activity that promotes spiritual growth and connection. In the context of distance healing, it is essential for the practitioner to have a regular spiritual practice to cultivate the energy necessary for effective healing. None
10 Learn about holistic healing Holistic healing refers to the approach of treating the whole person, rather than just the physical symptoms. In the context of distance healing, it means that the practitioner may consider the recipient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being when transmitting healing energy. None

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

Mistake/Misconception Correct Viewpoint
Receiving and sending are separate practices. Reiki energy is a continuous flow, and both receiving and sending are part of the same practice. In fact, practitioners often receive healing while giving it to others.
Only trained practitioners can send Reiki energy. Anyone can learn how to channel Reiki energy with proper training, but it’s important to remember that not everyone will have the same level of skill or experience in doing so. It’s also essential to respect professional boundaries by seeking out qualified practitioners for more complex issues or medical conditions.
The recipient must be present during a session for them to receive healing benefits from Reiki energy. Distance sessions are just as effective as in-person ones since the practitioner channels universal life force energy through intention rather than physical touch alone. This means that recipients can benefit from remote sessions even if they’re unable to attend in person due to distance or other factors like illness or injury that make travel difficult or impossible at times.
Sending too much Reiki energy is better than not enough during a session. Practitioners should always aim for balance when working with clients’ energies because overstimulation could lead to discomfort, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, headaches among other side effects which may worsen their condition instead of improving it.
Receiving too much reiki Energy is better than not enough during a session. Just like sending too much reiki Energy has its negative effects on clients’ health status; similarly receiving an excessive amount of reiki Energy may cause some adverse reactions such as dizziness, nausea among others which might worsen their condition instead of improving it hence balance should always be maintained between these two aspects (sending & receiving).

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